
Wallpaper Calculator – How Much Wallpaper Do I Need?
When installing wallpapers at home, you should have an idea of how much square footage you need. Using this wallpaper calculator helps you avoid situations where you might buy less and this could send you back to the home depot or buying too much which might strain your finances. Loading Calculator… How to use the…

Gravel Calculator
If you plan to cement your garage or driveway, you need gravel. It’s also used in roofing shingles, patio base, landscaping uses and much more. With this gravel calculator, you can estimate how much gravel you need for your construction project. In doing this, you can purchase the exact amount of gravel and avoid wasting…

Brick Calculator – How many bricks do I need?
Estimating the number of bricks required for a given area isn’t that daunting a task. All that you need is the area that’s determined by a formula and is dependent upon the dimensions of the said area. To make things easier, you now have this brick calculator which you can use before you order materials…

Drywall Calculator (Sheetrock Calculator)
Drywall is a type of board made from wood pulp, plaster, or other types of other material used to form the interior walls of houses. When making an estimate on how many drywall boards you need to cover a wall or ceiling in your home, you have to measure first the dimensions of the wall….

Tile Calculator – How Much Tile Do I Need?
This tile calculator is a handy tool you can use for when you need to install tiles in your home or office. After choosing the right style, size, and color of tiles for your flooring, the next step is to find out how many you need to cover the whole area. Using a square foot…

Soil Calculator – Calculate Soil Volume for your Garden
When it comes to purchasing soil for the garden, people either overspend or end up returning to the garden shop to buy some more. Either way, it’s money and effort wasted. But things need not be so if you use a soil calculator to help you calculate the amount of garden soil you might need….

Pool Volume & Size Calculator
Use this pool volume calculator to determine how much water you need to fill your own pool or other pools of varying depths and sizes. This information is very important to help you come up with an estimation of water costs and how much time you need to fill up your empty pool. Loading Calculator……

Flooring Calculator / Carpet calculator
Anyone who plans to install a new floor in their home is in for a challenging task. The good news is that using a flooring calculator can make this task a lot easier. Whether you plan to install flooring for your new home or you want to change the flooring of your current residence, this…

Board Feet Calculator
Most people engaged in woodwork know what a board foot is, but it may sound new to others. In simple terms, a board foot is a measurement to determine the volume of hardwood lumber. Computations may be confusing, but with the help of this board feet calculator, the task is a lot easier. Loading Calculator……

Roof Pitch Calculator (Roof Slope Calculator)
The roof pitch calculator is a convenient online tool you can use to quickly assess the pitch of your roof to determine the length of rafters you need. After finding out your roof pitch angles, you can use the calculator to perform the calculations for you instead of doing them manually. Loading Calculator… How to…

Paver Sand Calculator – How Much Paver Sand Do I Need?
Use this paver sand calculator to solve for the amount of sand you need to create a stable layer under a pavement. Whether you’re planning to build an elaborate patio or a paved driveway, you must first create a strong foundation to lay your concrete or stone pavers on. This layer which supports these elements…

Mulch Calculator – How Much Mulch Do I Need?
The final touch when preparing your garden for landscaping is to add mulch. This is the material which helps preserve the soil’s moisture prevent the proliferation of unwanted plants or weeds. It also improves the aesthetic value of the area. If you’re asking yourself “How much mulch do I need?”, use this mulch calculator. Loading…