Average Speed Calculator

This speed calculator is a handy online tool you can use to find the average speed of a moving object based on the distance and time traveled. Whether you want to find out your speed on your last bike trip or jogging run or for anything else, this average speed calculator proves extremely useful.

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How to use the speed calculator?

Use this speed calculator to find out the value of speed without having to perform manual calculations with the speed formula. It’s also known as an average speed calculator, mph calculator, and a time distance calculator. It’s a very simple online tool which provides instant results. Here are the steps to follow for this calculator:

  • First, input the value of the Distance and choose the unit of measurement from the drop-down menu.
  • Then input the value of the time, make sure to be as specific as possible. Also, choose the unit of measurement from the drop-down menu.
  • After entering all of the required values, the speed calculator performs the calculation for you to give you the value of Speed.

How do you calculate speed per hour?

We have all heard the word “speed” before and we frequently use it in our daily lives. But do you understand the meaning of this term? By definition, speed is purely connected and related to physics. But when you think of speed, you don’t see vectors and formulas.

Instead, you would imagine a person running, a fast-moving car, and so on. Most of the time, we associate speed with objects in motion rather than with its scientific background or explanation. What’s more, we feel speed differently depending on the situation. We know when we’re moving fast or slow.

For instance, when you’re driving a car with a speed of 50 km/h, this won’t feel too fast for you. But if you’re riding a bike at the same speed, it feels a lot faster. Therefore, this means that we humans have a relative perception of speed.

For trains and automobiles, speed is often measured in “kph” or kilometers per hour or in “mph” or miles per hour. This is where the mph calculator comes in handy. Of course, you can also use it to measure the speed of ships and airplanes, all you have to do is to change the unit of measurement to knots.

Physicists, on the other hand, typically use the m/s or meters per second base unit to measure speed. The definition of speed often gets concealed behind all of these units. But once you examine them, you can become more familiar with them. The fact is, speed is all about time and distance.

You can specify the units used to measure speed by the units of distance traveled divided by the units of time. This is the general concept of speed. Simply put, you can compute the value of speed using the distance traveled per unit of time. Keep in mind though, that speed isn’t a precise term.

There are other more precise meanings and you shouldn’t confuse them with each other. For instance, there are differences between rotational speed, instantaneous speed, and average speed.

Although using this time distance calculator, you may still want to perform the calculations manually. To do this, you can use the speed formula which is:

speed = distance / time

What is average speed in physics?

From the term “average speed,” you can get an inclination of what it means. In physics, average speed refers to a moving object’s average speed for the total distance it has covered. Average speed has a relation to the distance traveled by any given object.

It’s considered a scalar quantity. This means that only the magnitude is important, not the distance of travel. You can calculate the formula of average speed by solving the ratio of the total distance covered by a given object to the time it took to cover the entire distance. It’s not the average of speed.

Average speed and average velocity have the same relation as speed and velocity. Average velocity refers to the total displacement ratio of any given object over a given period of time. Average velocity relates to an object’s displacement while average speed related to the total distance taken by the object.

You can measure average speed in units of distance per time. Again, you can use this speed calculator to find the average speed or you can do the manual computation. For the latter, you can find the average speed using the following formula:

average speed = total distance / total time

The most common units of measurement for average speed are “kph” or kilometers per hour, “mph” or miles per hour, “m/s” or meters per second, and “ft/s” or feet per second. In an mph calculator, the default unit of measurement is mph. However, you can change this by selecting a different unit from the drop-down menu.

What’s the difference between MPH and KPH?

Kilometers per hour has an abbreviation of “kph” and it refers to the number of kilometers a given object traveled in one hour. Conversely, miles per hour has an abbreviation of “mph” and it refers to the number of miles a given object traveled in one hour. Both are units of measurements used for speed.

If you want to convert an mph value to a kph value, take the mph value and multiply this by 1.61. On the contrary, if you want to convert a kph value to an mph value, take the kph value and multiply this by 0.61. This is because:

1 mile = 1.61 kilometers, and 1 kilometer = 0.061 miles

You can breakdown both mph and kph into meters per second and feet per second. For kph, all you have to do is multiply the total speed by 1,000 then divide the value you get by 3,600. For mph, all you have to do is multiply the total speed by 5,280 then divide the value you get by 3,600.

The main difference between these two units of measurement is one is from the metric system while the other is from the US customary system.