Lean Body Mass Calculator (LBM)

There are a couple of reasons why you may need to use this lean body mass calculator. For instance, you may want to find out why those who are slim but muscular actually weigh more than those who are pleasantly plump. If you’re wondering if muscle really does weigh more than fat, you may also wonder what muscle weight depends on. To help you out, use this LBM calculator to enlighten you.

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How to use the lean body mass calculator?

Rather than trying to come up with confusing calculations to find out your lean body mass, using this lean body mass calculator is a lot simpler. As long as you have the required values for the muscle mass calculator, it will perform the calculations for you in an instant. Here are the steps to follow for this online tool:

  • First, choose your gender from the drop-down menu.
  • Then enter the value of your height and choose the unit of measurement from the drop-down menu.
  • Finally, enter the value of your weight and choose the unit of measurement from the drop-down menu.
  • After entering all of the required values, the lean body weight calculator automatically generates for you the lean body mass values using the Boer Formula, James Formula, Hume Formula, and Peters (for Children).

How do I calculate my lean body mass?

Your lean body mass refers to everything with the exception of your body fat. Therefore, the LBM calculator counts all of your muscles, bones, organs, skin, blood, and all the other parts of your body which aren’t fat but have mass.

One of the main reasons to use this lean body mass calculator is when you need to lose weight. You need to know your lean body weight so that you can check if you’re only losing body fat, not muscle. If not, you might feel disappointed with the effects of your diet because when you lose muscle, this may give you an unpleasant appearance.

Although using the muscle mass calculator is very easy, you can also calculate your lean body mass by hand. There are several body mass equations but among all of these, the Boer formula is the most accurate one. Here is the formula:

LBM for men = 0.407 * weight + 0.267 * height * 100 – 19.2

LBM for women = 0.252 * weight + 0.473 * height * 100 – 48.3

But if you don’t have the value of your fat concentration, you can calculate your lean body mass using a simpler formula:

Lean Body Mass = Body Weight – (Body Weight * Body Fat %)

To use this formula, you must first:

  • Take your weight.
  • Multiply the value of your weight by your fat percentage.
  • Subtract the value you get from your weight.

What is a good lean body mass?

Generally, women possess more body fat compared to men even if they have the same BMI. Women need more body fat for them to bear children. Therefore, they usually have a less lean body mass compared to men. On average, women would have a lean body mass between 69-75% while for men, their lean body mass is between 76-82%.

For most people, their lean body mass would range from 60-90% of their body weight. If a woman has a lean body mass percentage lower than 68%, she’s considered unhealthy. The same for a man who has a lean body mass percentage lower than 75%.

For athletes who workout and train to build their muscles, they typically have a lean body mass percentage range between 84-94% for men and 81-91% for women. Experts consider these as “normal” ranges for individuals who train.

How many pounds of muscle do I have?

When you’re working out, you’re watching your weight or you’re trying to lose weight, you can use a lean body weight calculator to help you out. But if your main goal is to build muscle, you might not like the number you see when you step on a weighing scale.

Although scales tell you how much you weigh, they can’t tell you how much of that weight is fat and how much is muscle. If you want to make sure that you’re healthy, you must find out your exact body composition. But when it comes to determining how much muscle you have, this isn’t an easy task.

Our body composition includes fat, muscle, tendons, ligaments, bones, organs, and blood. But in terms of health, body composition usually refers to lean body mass vs. body fat. As aforementioned, lean body mass is more than just your muscles. It also includes the other parts of the body which aren’t fat.

There are several tools to use for measuring body fat like underwater weighing, calipers, and bioelectric impedance. But for testing muscle mass, this process is quite limited and is only based on studies of cadaver dissection. This means that determining your exact muscle mass isn’t as precise as determining your exact body fat.

When you’re trying to determine your muscle mass, this means that you’d like to know how much skeletal muscle you possess along with the muscles you work out at the gym. For healthy people, their skeletal muscle comprises around 30-40% of their body mass.

Remember that women have less lean muscle mass compared to men. Use this fact to come up with your own estimate of how many pounds of muscle you have. Then you can use the lean body mass calculator to get the value you need using the different formulas.

What percentage of muscle mass should a woman have?

Unlike your weight, your muscle mass doesn’t have a standard based on your size, body frame or height. This is because muscle mass greatly varies from one person to another and this is mainly based on their physical activities.

Rather than focusing on muscle mass, doctors and other medical professionals measure body fat to find out if their patient’s muscle mass is at a healthy percentage for their height. For women, they must only have a body fat percentage between 20-21%.