The Report of the U.S. Transgender Survey

  • Profit Margin Calculator
    In the world of business, profit is one of the most important things to determine. You can easily calculate your profits using this profit calculator. You can also use this online tool to come up with the margin percentage, selling price or the cost. Calculating the main factors in sales is important. These include the ...
  • Linear Interpolation Calculator & Formula
    Use this linear interpolation calculator to search for points on a given line. You can determine the value either using the slope intercept form or by using two coordinates. In this article, you’ll learn how to use the calculator and other information regarding linear interpolation. Read on to learn more. Loading Calculator… How to use the ...
  • BEST Fibonacci Calculator
    This Fibonacci calculator is a convenient tool you can use to solve for the arbitrary terms of the Fibonacci sequence. With this calculator, you don’t have to perform the calculations by hand using the Fibonacci formula. This Fibonacci sequence calculator is so efficient that it can provide you with the first 200 terms of the ...
  • Circle Skirt Calculator (Full, Half & 3/4 Circle)
    If you sew for a hobby or professionally, you may have already tried making a circle skirt. Making this type of skirt requires a lot of measurement and circle skirt math which you can do easily with the use of a circle skirt calculator. This is a very useful online tool since it serves as ...
  • Torque Calculator & Formula
    Torque calculator is used to find the value of torque which arises from a rotating object. Try to imagine an object which rotates around a specific point. This is the pivot point. If you happen to exert any force (torque) from a distance away from the pivot point, even though the force acts along a ...
  • Chronological Age Calculator [Easy Calculate Person’s Age]
    Your chronological age represents how old you are. By definition, this is the number of years you’ve lived starting from the time of your birth. A person’s chronological age would determine his eligibility for school, for work, and for retirement. To find your chronological age, subtract your date of birth from the current date. When ...
  • Solution Dilution Calculator
    Use this solution dilution calculator to find out how you can dilute a stock solution of a given concentration in order to acquire a diluted solution’s arbitrary volume. This is a very helpful tool which performs the calculations for you so that you don’t have to calculate manually when you need to find the values ...
  • Heat Index Calculator
    When you check the thermometer in your home, you see that there’s a moderate temperature. However, the moment you step out of your home, the heat becomes unbearable! Why is this so? Why is there a huge difference between the apparent temperature and the real temperature? This may be because of the heat index which, ...
  • Dosage Calculator
    The most important use of this dosage calculator is to find out the dose of medication that’s appropriate for your weight. Rather than manually having to convert mg to ml dosage, you can use this calculator to do the work for you. Taking the proper dose of medication is essential to ensure your safety and ...
  • Permutation Calculator
    A permutation calculator is a handy tool which helps you find out how many permutations a given set has. Permutation is often symbolized as nPr which we will also use in this article. Let’s cover how to use this permutation formula calculator, how to calculate permutation without an nPr calculator, and more. Loading Calculator… How to ...